A second attempt: Plum Upside-down Cakes with Lavender Rooibos Syrup


To start – this was the first time we tried this recipe.

The second attempt is to getting back in a blogging routine after a long hiatus. The longer I put it off, the harder it got, and the more I was quietly embarrassed that I gave up on this project. But I do want to get started again, so here we go!

These cakes are outstanding. They’re actually from two summers ago, and I made them with my friend Claudia. We made these lemon tarts together too.

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Banana Bread French Toast with Vanilla-Berry Compote


As autumn comes into full swing, we’re going to need some heavy breakfasts to keep warm throughout the day. If you’re on a cleanse or a diet, make this on cheat day (or you can quit the diet, it’s not worth it to live without salt and fat anyway).

This recipe is not-so-subtly inspired by brunch at The Manx.

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Dark Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Oatmeal Bars (No-Bake!)


I’m a huge fan of chocolate and peanut butter, like most other sentient humans.

I also love to bake.

But do I always have the time to whip up a chocolate soufflé? No. That’s why simple no-bake desserts are so much fun. They don’t always save you time, I just find that cooking feels like less work if you don’t have to throw something in the oven. From cheesecakes to cookies, there are plenty of treats that do their thing in the fridge.

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Almond, coconut and chocolate chunk cookies + frozen bananas = ice cream sandwiches


It’s starting to feel like spring in Ottawa! It’s particularly bitter here during the winter, and by this time every year, we’re all sick of it. I’ve officially had it with snow, ice, and slush. I’m done with frostbite warnings, 5 o’clock sunsets, and wearing four pairs of socks. This weekend, in an effort to help bring spring out of hiding, I wanted to make something that tastes like a sunny day feels. Continue reading

Bittersweet brownies with peanut butter frosting + the virtues of salt


Salt is probably the most important part of my kitchen, or anyone’s for that matter.

If a dish tastes a little bland, like something is missing but you can’t put your finger on it, chances are it’s a pinch of salt. It’s what makes food taste like it should. Salt is not limited to the realm of savoury foods either – your dessert could use a pinch of salt to help deepen its sweet flavours (think: salted caramel). I don’t normally look to the bible for advice, but when it comes to eating, Moses said it best.

With all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.

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